martes, 22 de noviembre de 2011

Presentació "Eines TIC per a l'ensenyament"

jueves, 17 de noviembre de 2011

Eines per a l'ensenyament lingüís-TIC

Ahir vaig assistir a les jornades de "Llengües i TICs" que organitza Escola Valenciana i que van tindre lloc a l'IES Bovalar.

Alicia Martí i Pilar Garcia ens van proporcionar una eina de gran valor: aquesta recopilació de recursos que podem utilitzar, com ensenyants, per tal d'afavorir el procés d'ensenyança-aprenentatge dels nostres alumnes. Considero que han fet un gran treball i és molt generós de la seua part posar-ho a l'abast de tots. Eixa és la idea: compartir.

Així, va ser una jornada molt interessant, ja que vam tindre inclús oportunitat de practicar algun d'aquestos recursos. Jo en coneixia ja molts, però sempre va bé refrescar la memòria, sobretot quan veus projectes i treballs fets per alumnes.

El fòrum on estàn tots aquestos recursos es troba clicant damunt. 

El document que van penjar com a exemple i que recopila tots els apartats del fòrum és aquest.

miércoles, 5 de octubre de 2011

Dream House Trailer with subtitles in English

Here you are, the trailer of the coming soon horror film "Dream House". Subtitles are in English (added with Universal Subtitles)

jueves, 17 de febrero de 2011

eTwinning project: Opening our windows to European friends!

I am glad to have started a new eTwinning project with six teachers from five different countries.

At the moment, we have a lot of work designing the project, the activities... and discovering how the TwinSpace works and how to use the tools we have.

Working with colleagues from around Europe using English as our communicative tool is encouraging and motivating. We all hope to spread all this enthusiasm with our students.

Blog of our project

viernes, 4 de febrero de 2011

Postcrossing is great fun!

I joined Postcrossing a month ago, and I am delighted with the idea of having sent 10 postcards (4 of them are travelling to their destinations) and having got 6 postcards to and from all over the world.

is amazing: you send one postcard, you get one postcard. That's it. And opening the mailbox, usually full with bills and other unpleasant envelopes, and changing that into a postcard from any Postcrosser, is lovely. In addition to this, most of Postcrossers know English, so it is a great opportunity to practise it.

I recommend you all to join this community. You only need to have an email account, money for postcards and stamps, and to feel like doing it.

Once you have got your first surprise postcard, you will get caught ;)

My profile at postcrossing.